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Revision as of 21:20, 1 December 2016 by imported>S

Elizabeth Blackburn (UCSF) Part 1: The Roles of Telomeres and Telomerase

Elizabeth Blackburn (UCSF) Part 2: Telomeres and Telomerase in Human Stem Cells and in Cancer

Elizabeth Blackburn (UCSF) Part 3: Stress, Telomeres and Telomerase in Humans

sSMS :

- Ture single molecule sequencing

sequence break down to many short sequences -> poly A sequence attatched to each 3' end of each short sequence -> short DNA sequence hybridize to each oligo T universal capsure side(fix) -> generate own sequencing reaction similar to sanger sequencing(fluorescent marking nucleotides) -> take picture each step of sequencing.


cancer genomics :



epigenomics :

- identical twins : same genes but there are some differents. one of twin is diagnosed with cancer. identically same gene contained two mouse have different phenotype(fat, color). methyl group inhibit gene function histone pattern, -> epigenome. At critical period(puberty or pregnancy) can change epigenome. Epigenetic fix is inherited. 나이 든 후엔 identical twin 들의 epigenome 이 dramatically change 를 겪는다. gene inhibition at wrong site then can cause cancer but by rearrangement of epigenome(reactivation), we can therapy the cancer.

- 반대로 병을 일으키는 유전자의 위치를 파악해서 그곳을 타겟으로 methylation 을 이용해 gene inhibition 을 일으키면 그 병을 치료하거나 막을 수 있지 않을까?

- epigenomic therapy 와 miRNA therapy 가 비슷한 원리로 이루어 지는 듯 하다. 특정 물질을 이용해 병을 일으키는 gene 을 repress 함으로써 병을 치료하는 방법.


genomics : leopard and vulture genome home page :

- the genomic revolution, metageomics, sequencing ecosystems, omics data sharing, data and informatics, EVOp - Global examplar, community project - cloudbiolinux, 



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