$0 Genomics

From Biolecture.org
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$0 Genome Project for genomic equality
(aka: Free Genome Project) 

$0 Genome project is a project launched by Genomics.org

It is to collect personal genome information for free and distribute it free of charge. 
It is a zero-cost genomics project.

Governments and big companies can pay for the genotyping cost and people let the world access the personal genome information without any restriction. 

All the $0 geonmics participants get all the personal genomics information for free from Genomics.org.

There are people who have published personal genomic information. 
If you have your own genome information acquired by full genome sequencing, SNP chips and other genome chips, you can provide the information to genomics.org. 

It is an openfree BiO project.

Why $0 genome project?

Genomic equality

Genome information should be free for all and the benefit of free genomics should be shared by people with little money and access to information.

How does it work?

The first step:
1. Please click here and sign your name to petition the governments of the world to sequence genomes free of charge

The second step:
2. Mapping the population stratification with government funds for free genotyping throughout the world

The third step:
3. Pinpointing persons who represent in the population clusters and genotype them for their families and groups

List of Companies that we target for contribution
LG bioscience

External Links
$0 personal genome home site is: http://personalgenome.net