

Defining Genomics related words

435 bytes added, 21:29, 28 October 2017
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<p>4. Ubiquitin is a regulatory protein. It can bind to a substrate protein and change its function.</p>
<p>5. Anticodon is a sequence. It consists of a triplet of&nbsp;nucleotide bases on the mRNA. One end of the tRNA matches to anticodon and the other end matches to amino acid corresponding .</p> <p>6. Epigenomics is a study of genomics that has same gene but different phenotype.</p> <p>7. Cancer is a disease when cell growth is abnormal. We call that cell as tumor.</p> <p>8. Primer is a short strand of DNA or RNA. It contributes to anticodon sequencePCR or sequencing.</p> <p>9. Mutation is a change in gene. It has low rate and strongly related to evolution.</p> <p>10. Ribozyme is a RNA molecule. It acts like an enzyme that catalyzes chemical reaction.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p>
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