

Self Evaluation

2,934 bytes added, 10:32, 20 June 2016
Created page with "<p>Self-Evaluation of Yunseok Han for 2016-1<sup>st</sup> semester Bioinformatics</p> <p>The basically used evaluation criteria for the evaluation is the 11 questions in “..."
<p>Self-Evaluation of Yunseok Han for 2016-1<sup>st</sup> semester Bioinformatics</p>

<p>The basically used evaluation criteria for the evaluation is the 11 questions in &ldquo;SELF check points for students&rdquo;<a href="#_ftn1" name="_ftnref1" title="">[1]</a> as the criteria suggested by the professor who gave this course. The answer for some of the questions, &ldquo;2. Did I think a lot about the subject(such as bioinformatics)?&rdquo;, &ldquo;3. Did I think of questions out of my own logical ramifications?&rdquo;, &ldquo;5. Did I did homework voluntarily with fun? &ldquo;, &ldquo;6. Did I develop my own ideas? &ldquo;, &ldquo;7. Did I contribute to the class and our mates?&rdquo;, &ldquo;8. Did I present anything in the class?&rdquo;, and &ldquo;9. Did I make the class more exciting by active participation?&rdquo; is &lsquo;No, I didn&rsquo;t&rsquo;, since I did not in real and there is no evidence that shows I did. This result shows the answer for the first question, &ldquo;1. Do I love the subject?&rdquo;, is &lsquo;No, I do&rsquo;, since I think a lot about the subject and do actively with fun for the subject if I really love the subject. The answer for other two questions, &ldquo;4. Did I follow the instructions of the teacher?&rdquo;, &ldquo;10. Did I learn the most important aspects of the course? &ldquo;, and &ldquo;11. Is my communication in the subject field improved?&rdquo; is &lsquo;Yes&rsquo;. As an evidence of the answer for the question 4, there are my email address and summary of the given lectures in my page for this course<a href="#_ftn2" name="_ftnref2" title="">[2]</a>. Also, the lecture summary is an evidence for the question 11, since that means I got to know little part of that field although it just a word for the subject field. There is no reliable exact evidence that shows the answer is true, but I learned that scientists must have their own scientific philosophy. The result for the basically used criteria is seven &lsquo;No&rsquo; and four &lsquo;Yes&rsquo; which means I did not well enough to have a good grade for the course and the questions answered &lsquo;No&rsquo; indicates that I did lower performance for this course. However, I know basic knowledge as a person who took this course as the questions answered &lsquo;Yes&rsquo; indicates, which means that I got the information of bioinformatics even though I just listened and noted shortly only about the given lecture and the important aspect to think as a scientist. Therefore, the result of the self-evaluation is B0.</p>

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<p><a href="#_ftnref1" name="_ftn1" title="">[1]</a> <a href=""></a> Jong Bhak</p>

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<p><a href="#_ftnref2" name="_ftn2" title="">[2]</a></p>
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