

Genomics News and Ads Archive

1,327 bytes added, 17:53, 10 October 2010
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<font size="4"><font size="3"><strong>►[[Image:Paris japonica logo openfree.gif]] [[The largest genome size known today: Paris japonica]]: 20101009 &rArr; [[Genome size]] <br />►[[Image:Turkey logo 2.gif]] [[Turkey genome sequenced 20100907]] &rArr; [[Bird genome]] <br />►[[Scripps, Sanofi Personalized Medicine Pact to Focus Initial PGx Research on Diabetes, Aging]] 20100818 <br />►[[Accumulation of mutations over the entire mitochondrial genome of breast cancer cells obtained by tissue microdissection]]: 20100810 <br />►Theragen [[Totalomics Solutions Launched]] 20100711 &rArr;[[Genome sequencing product]] <br />►[[Personal Genomics Institute established]] 20100419 &rArr;[[Genome Institutes]] <br />►[[The first fully public female human genome: Rosalynn Gill]]: PGP9. 20100330. <br />►[[The dynamic genome of Hydra]] Nature. 2010 Mar 25 &rArr; [[Animal Genome]] <br />►[[The Human Genome Rights]] Declaration. 20100315 &rArr;[[GenomeEthics]] <br />►[[GET conference Boston by PGP]] Boston, 27th April. <br />► [[IonTorrent ion-sequencing machine announced publically]] <br />►20100310 [[Whole-Genome Sequencing in a Patient with Charcot&ndash;Marie&ndash;Tooth Neuropathy]] <br />► GATC Biotech Purchases [[HiSeq 2000]] Instrument. 20100126. &rArr;[[GenomeSequencer]] <br /><br />20100303:</strong> [[Theragen Inc. launched a personal genome typing service similar to 23andme's. However, the product was withheld due to legal issues.]] <br />
<strong>20091230:</strong> [[Theragen Inc. in Korea launches commercial full genome and SNP chip personal genome service. The first in Asia]]<br />
<strong>20090928:</strong> [[Potato genome draft announced]]<strong><br />
20090724: DNA Sequencing and&nbsp;Array Drive 8% Growth for Roche in First Half of 2009. [[454 GS FLX]] and [[Nimblegen]]. []<br />
<strong>20090724</strong>: BGI (Beijing Genomics Institute) in China participates in orchid genome (<em>[[Phalaenopsis equestris]]) </em>sequencing. []<br />
<strong>20090716</strong>: Navigenics Lowers Health Compass Price to $999 USD. []<br /><strong>20090716</strong>: Celera Uses&nbsp;Automated Workflows for Genomics []<br />
20090716: [[A draft genomic sequence for a worm, Schistosoma japonicum, was published]].<br />
20090716: Genomes Of Parasitic Flatworms Decoded: <em>Schistosoma mansoni</em> and <em>Schistosoma japonicum</em> []<br />
<strong>20090716</strong>: <!-- a href=;z=950242273 target=_parent><b>Exxon join with DNA pioneer to develop algae biofuels</b></a --></font><a target="_parent""" click="""" href=";ID=3022030&amp;HITNO=2&amp;MSIZE=634&amp;LANGUAGE=en&amp;FILE=doc.NEWSFEED&amp;SAVEQUERY00=Genomics&amp;SAVEPROP00=L%3den&amp;SAVEDB=news&amp;SAVEORGANISE_CODED=R:date&amp;R=3022030&amp;THISHREF=;THEHOST=site"><strong><font color="#0066cc" size="3">Exxon join with DNA pioneer to develop algae biofuels</font></strong></a><font size="3">&nbsp;<br />
<strong>20090715</strong>: [[Pathway Genomics]] starts the Direct-to-Consumer Genomics service as 23andme and Decodeme []<br />
<strong>20090714</strong>: OryzaSNP Consortium IDs Thousands of Variants in Rice Genome: []&nbsp;<br />

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