

Ji-Hoon Kim

10 bytes added, 14:41, 15 September 2023
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**What is science?
***GPT Results
****Science is a systematic and organized approach to acquiring knowledge about the natural world. It involves observing, experimenting, and analyzing phenomena to better understand the physical and natural processes that govern our universe. ****Science seeks to uncover the underlying principles and laws that govern the behavior of matter, energy, living organisms, and the cosmos as a whole.
**What is biology?
***GPT Results:
****Biology is the scientific study of living organisms and their interactions with each other and their environments. It is one of the major natural sciences and plays a fundamental role in understanding life on Earth. ****Biology encompasses a wide range of topics, from the microscopic world of cells and molecules to the study of ecosystems and the diversity of life forms on our planet.
**What is omics?
***GPT Results:

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