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<p dir="rtl">Nuclear Science and Engineering, 20171136 Galam Seo</p>
<p><strong><span style="font-size:16px">1. Abstract</span></strong></p>
<p> In this paper, I will do SELF, Self-Critical Scientific Evaluation which evaluates myself by using my activities or assignments and studies during the end of 2018 Genomic Lecture. In general, most lectures are doing the one-sided lecture and usually memorizing figures for quiz or exams. But in Genomics lecture, there are no quiz or exams and it aims for 'Self-study', to find the studying style which studystudies genomics until finishing Genomic lecture. Also, SELF is based on the homework and other activities are evidence of evaluating the system.</p>
<p> Through using this SELF(Self-Critical Scientific Evaluation) method to propose Galam Seo student grading is A-.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong><span style="font-size:16px">2. Introduction </span></strong></p>
<p> Genomics lecture is divided into kinds of large topics, 'Genomics', 'sequencing-alignment', 'epigenomics', and 'cancer and aging'. The lecture and other information like watching videos on Youtube or searching in Google, which is explained the methods of self-studying, leads how to learn and studying study for those topics. And SELF is based on the homework, writing articles on Biowiki and scientific paper formed essays, researching projects or using Perl to programming for sequencing-alignment. In addition, the attitude and discussions in lecture are also included in SELF.</p>
<p> From these explanations of Genomics lecture course, self-study part is the most important in lecture than attendance. Also the beginning of the class, lecture leads discussions about special topics or questions, so the discussion part is also important in this Genomics lecture.</p>
<p> </p>
<p><strong><span style="font-size:16px">3. Results</span></strong></p>
<p><strong>3.1 Attendance(10%)</strong></p>
<p> According to <a href="">'Genomics course attendance check page'</a>, I absent in the course for one time, also I attended in Genome Expo which held in UNIST. And also the course is finished earlier so these are ignored when last 3 weeks of attendance from UNIST mobile attendance application. Therefore, I will get 9/10 credits from attendance'Attendance'. </p>
<p> <strong>3.2 Self-Study(60%)</strong></p>
<p><strong>3.2 .(a) Self-Studystudying on Biowiki(6025%)</strong></p>
<p>3 I studied about 'What is Genomics' and other topics which are appeared in Genomics lecture course.2But I couldn't and didn't organize what I found from 'Google' and 'Youtube', so it looked like messy studying on For that reason, I will get 23/25 credits from 'Self-studying on Biowiki(25%)' section.</p>
<p> I studied about 'What is Genomics' and other topics which are appeared <strong>3.2.(b) Discussion in Genomics lecture course. But I couldn't and didn't organize what I found from 'Google' and 'Youtube', so it looked like messy studying on</strong></p>
<p> Below questions are talked about in Genomics discussion lecture time.</p>
<p><strong>3.2.(c) Homeworks(15%)</strong></p> <p> During the class for the whole semester, I found the algorithm related to sequencing-alignment, Needleman-Wunsch algorithm. And I studied about what is Perl programs and how to get results on a console, but I couldn't make my own algorithm based on the Needleman-Wunsch algorithm. So I will get 9/15 credits from 'Homework' section.</p> <p><strong>3.3 Scientific essays(25%)</strong></p> <p> A good paper has exactly one, specific, thing to communicate, and does this well. When you have finished the paper, you have no doubt what it was trying to say, or where its contents fit into the research picture. The results will be presented so that data can easily be understood, their significance and meaning obvious. Conclusions flow from the results, supported and justified by them.</p> <p> In my scientific essay SELF-paper, it is not excellently exact and specific, and also there are slightly lacking in organizing in a structure of SELF. Therefore, I will get 20/25 credits from this 'Scientific essays' section.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong><span style="font-size:16px">4. Discussion</span></strong></p> <p><strong><span style="font-size:14px">4.1 Attendance problem</span></strong></p>
<p> During Before the class for the whole semesterlecture begins, I found the algorithm related classroom location is changed into a 1st-floor lecture room to sequencing3rd-alignmentfloor meeting room, Needleman-Wunsch algorithmbut the mobile checking attendance is not changed. And I studied about what is Perl programs and how to get results on a consoleattended all lectures except one lecture at week 12 when the Aging part lecture course, but in moblie attendance records, there was 8 absent of the lecture including last 3 weeks class, there was no class, because I couldn't make forgot to check my own algorithm based on attendance at the Needleman1st-Wunsch algorithmfloor. So I will get 9/15 credits from this sectionit causes the problem that the attendance system gives me an F grade.</p>
<p>3<strong>4.2 Organizing the articles</strong></p> <p> My studying style is not organized, so it can look messy for other people. And this characteristic is appeared at writing articles. I have to practice to write articles organized.3 Scientific essays(25%)</p>
<p> </p>
<ul> <li><strong>Scoring my criteria</strong></li> <li>A+(100~95%)</li> <li>A0(95~90%)</li> <li>A-(90~85%)</li> <li>B+(85~80%)</li> <li>B0(80~75%)</li> <li>B-(75~70%)</li> <li>C+(70~65%)</li> <li>C0(65~60%)</li> <li>C-(60~55%)</li> <li>D+(55~50%)</li> <li>D0(50~45%)</li> <li>D-(45~40%)</li> <li>F(40~0%)</li></ul> <p> From my criteria assumption, by score is 86, then it is appropriate at A- zone.</p> <p> </p> <p><strong><span style="font-size:16px">45. Reference</span></strong></p> <p><span style="font-size:14px">1. <a href=""></a>, Genomics_Lecture_Lntroduction_JingBhak. Discussionpptx</span></p>
<p><span style="font-size:16px14px">52. Reference<a href="">Characteristic of Excellent Scientific Papers</a>,</span></p>
<p> </p>