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Getting your own Genome

174 bytes added, 10:50, 16 October 2007
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<strong><font size="4">You can get the whole genetic map and sequences of you. &nbsp;<br /><br />It means that you can store nearly everything about your genetic information in a PC.</font></strong><br />
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<font color="#ff0000" size="3"><strong>However, the price for now it too high. By 2012, the price will go down to around $1,000 USD.</strong></font><br />
4) Store the information in such a way that bioinformaists can analyze hundreds of aspects of your genome.<br />
5) Applying bioinformatics software to find interesting things such as relatedness, geneology, disease susceptability, and visualizing the whole genome.<br />
6) Finding critical information onyourself as a biological being.<br /><br />There will be thousands of companies by 2010 that try to help you get and see your own genomes.<br /><br /><br />
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