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3.Read syllabus

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<p>&lt;Students are asked to do&gt;</p> <p>1) Define Genomics your own way after doing research on what genomes are and how we study.</p> <p>&nbsp;Genomes - total of genes in cell or species.</p> <p>&nbsp;Genomics - The study of sturcures or function of genomes</p> <p>2) What is the origin of genomics?</p> <p>genome + omics(=a field of study in biology)</p> <p>3) History of genomics?</p> <p> (reference)</p> <p>From the Greek &Gamma;&Epsilon;&Nu;<em>gen</em>, &quot;gene&quot; (gamma, epsilon, nu, epsilon) meaning &quot;become, create, creation, birth&quot;, and subsequent variants: genealogy, genesis, genetics, genic, genomere, genotype, genus etc. While the word&nbsp;<em>genome</em>&nbsp;(from the&nbsp;<a href="" title="German language">German</a>&nbsp;<em>Genom</em>, attributed to&nbsp;<a href="" title="Hans Winkler">Hans Winkler</a>) was in use in&nbsp;<a href="" title="English language">English</a>&nbsp;as early as 1926,&nbsp;the term&nbsp;<em>genomics</em>&nbsp;was coined by Tom Roderick, a&nbsp;<a href="" title="Geneticist">geneticist</a>&nbsp;at the&nbsp;<a href="" title="Jackson Laboratory">Jackson Laboratory</a>&nbsp;, over beer at a meeting held in&nbsp;<a href="" title="Maryland">Maryland</a>&nbsp;on the mapping of the human genome in 1986.</p> <p>4) The future of genomics?</p> <p>The answer is shown in youtube video.</p> <p>This will be more used in future by comparing genomes between organisms.</p> <p>5) What is the relationship with other omics?</p> <p>Omics means the field of study in biology , so genomics, metabolomics and preteomics are all related.</p> <p>6) How can we engineer genomes?</p> <p><strong>Genome engineering</strong>&nbsp;refers to the strategies and techniques developed in recent years for the targeted, specific modification of the genetic information&nbsp;or genome&nbsp;of living organisms.&nbsp;</p> <p>Early approaches to genome engineering involved modifying genetic sequences using only homologous recombination.&nbsp;Using a homologous sequence located on another strand as a model can lead this natural DNA maintenance mechanism to repair a DNA strand. It is possible to induce homologous recombinations between a cellular DNA strand and an exogenous DNA strand inserted in the cell by researchers, using a vector such as the modified genome of a retrovirus. The recombination phenomenon is flexible enough for a certain level of change (addition, suppression or modification of a DNA portion) to be introduced to the targeted homologous area.</p> <p><strong>homologous recombination,&nbsp;Insertion ,Inactivation, or &ldquo;knock-out&rdquo; and&nbsp;Correction aims to remove and replace a defective gene sequence with a functional sequence.&nbsp;</strong></p> <p><strong>&lt;Video sources&gt;</strong></p> <p>;v=J7AWWpG52zg</p> <p>After viewing :&nbsp;</p> <p>The title is the new age of genomics.</p> <p>Human genomes is now we&#39;re sort of looking on a global scale how life using the bio code software creates what we see around us.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>&lt;Reference&gt;</strong></p> <p></p> <p>The title is&nbsp;&nbsp;Bowhead whale genome may unlock its longevity secrets.</p> <p>Scientists have finally sequenced the genome of a large whale and analyzed by comparing genomes&nbsp;resulting in&nbsp;helping humans live longer.</p> <p>Genomics is perhaps the first such an automated way of pinpointing exact aging associated mutations in such a short time.[[Proteomics]]</p>
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