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Seunggyu Jeon.

4,341 bytes added, 05:17, 12 June 2015
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<h2>&nbsp;Interesting terminologies and subject</h2>
<h2>What is lecture and presentation?</h2>
<p><b>'Lecture'</b><br />
Lecture is delivery of what some people know efficiently. And the point of lecture is listener can ask some question about topic of lecture and right after that, lecture giver can answer. That means the difference lecture and internet material is communication.</p>
<p><b>'Presentation'</b><br />
Presentation is one of efficient ways to delivery&nbsp; information during lecture.&nbsp; It is powerful visual delivery material to give information. Durimg presentation, we can use words, image,vedio, etc. Any kinds of visual things can be used to understand listener. With this visual material, we should give talk or lecture efficiently.</p>
<h2>What is reality?</h2>
<p>'Reality'<br />
This term is needed to tell the difference that something is exist or not. But, sometimes it is very ambiguous. What is exect 'real'? The criteria is important whether is real or not. I will brifely show some kind of criteria to be able to say 'real'. First</p>
<h2>Is Darwin evolutionary theory correct?</h2>
<p>I don't agree with Darwin's theory of evolution. Firstly let's check basic concept of this theory briefly.</p>
<p class="바탕글">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="바탕글"><span lang="EN-US" style="font-weight: bold">Darwin's Theory of Evolution </span></p>
<p class="바탕글">He said complex creatures evolve from more simplistic ancestors naturally over time. In a nutshell, as random genetic mutations occur within an organism's genetic code, the beneficial mutations are preserved because they are easier to survive. This is called &quot;natural selection.&quot; These beneficial mutations are passed on to the next generation. Over time, beneficial mutations accumulate and the result is an entirely different organism. And then, he emphasized organisms reproduce many offsprings for them to survive. It means all offsprings can not survive against the enviorment. The one which has superior gene survives.</p>
<p class="바탕글">&nbsp;</p>
<p class="바탕글">What I want to say is that the concept of evolution should be separated to human being and other organisms. Let me talk about the differences between human being and other organisms in the aspect evolution.</p>
<p class="바탕글">First, Human can think but other organism can't. In Dawin's theory of evolution, other organisms reproduce offsprings as much as possible for them to survive. But human being is different. Nowadays, birth rate is very low. They usually give a birth to two or just one baby because of many problems of society. Although human has the biological ability to reproduce many offsprings, they do not reproduce as much as possible. It's because human can think. Animal has a brain. But animal can not control themselves. What I mean by that is human can regulate showing or solving desire such as sleep, sex, or eating. But in animal system, there is no regulation. So, animals give a birth their offspring without any fear. In animal system, they should have prior gene to survive against predator or environment Then, How do human preserve generation without reproducing many offsprings? When human is young, they can learn many what is dangerous in advance such as which species are dangerous or whichever dangerous situation. It can be possible people can think, have the ability to teach someone, learn and remember what they learned. Human who has some bad genes absolutely relate with survival. Finally, the way to survive in environment is totally different.</p>
<p class="바탕글">And let's see again how human and animal are different to against environment. For example, when it is cold, birds fly to the warm region. How about human? Even though season or weather is changed, human live where they already lived. They make something like cloths, air conditional, etc and use them to survive the environment. The surviving style is totally different. Therefore Dawin's theory is applied.</p>
<p class="바탕글">Before human exist, Dawin's theory, especially natural selection from many offsprings. is adapted. Many organisms have evolved and finally human being is created from other animal. I guess human being is final stage of Dawin's evolution. From human, we can not explain evolution by Dawin's theory. We need to think other concept of evolution for human.</p>