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20170519 class lecture note

1,403 bytes added, 13:23, 20 May 2017
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<p>1I. Some Perl functions</p>
<li>#!/usr/bin/perl : As the Perl is a program, we need to load to use it. This code meens load and make a new script.</li>
<li>use : A&nbsp;calling function. We also need some &#39;rules&#39; for using and handling codes, so by use &#39;use&#39; function, load the set of rules.
</ol> <p>II. Bioprogramming.</p> <p>&gt; There are two definition of &#39;Bioprogramming&#39; by the professor, Jong.</p> <ol> <li>Bioprogramming as the <u>natural process of information &quot;propagation&quot;</u> in the universe.</li> <li>Bioprogramming as programming technique in bioinformatics.</li></ol> <p style="margin-left: 40px;">- In point of second definition, Jong said Bioprogramming is quite <u>different with IT programming</u> because bioprogramming is dealing with biological data to define the &quot;rules&quot; of nature. However the IT programming may just&nbsp;handle&nbsp;and consider the data from human beings such as bank data or Big data. That means we need to keep well&nbsp;biological knowledges if we&#39;d like to do the bioprogramming.</lip<p style="margin-left: 40px;">+) I&#39;m very impressed with the phrase, &quot;natural process of information propagation&quot;. At the first, it&#39;s hard to understand the meaning of information propagation, but after thinking and understanding little, it&#39;s amazing. If the lives are just some information&#39;s relationships and complicated programmings, the most basal instinct might be able to be an &#39;information propagation&#39;. Of course, I cannot understand and expect how to explain the consciousness and emotions, but it&#39;s engouh to be impressed. I will talk more about this topic in my essay.</ulp>
<p>editting now...</p>
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