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Week 4/Genomics 2016/Yoon Changhan

2,312 bytes added, 02:02, 4 December 2016
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<p><span style="font-size:20px"><strong>Evidences to Redress Darwin&#39;s Theory of Evolution</strong></span></p>
<p>Abstract</p> <p>&nbsp;To understand conceptDarwinism is a theory of biological evolution developed by English naturalist Charles Darwin, stating that all species of organisms arise and develop through the natural selection of small, inhereted variations that increase the individual&#39;s ability to compete, survive and reproduce. Pangenesis, which is a theory of heredity hypothesized by Darwin, cause was supporting Darwinism as it explained heredity of variations. I found that Gregor Mendel&#39;s experiments and consequenceother evidences attacked Darwinism by refuting pangenesis. Hence, Darwinism supported by pangenesis is not perfect to explain the biological evolution.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Introduction</p> <p>&nbsp;Since&nbsp;1832, when&nbsp;Charles Darwin&nbsp;arrived&nbsp;at Galapagos islands where various traits and species exists, the concept of evolution has been considered as one ofthe most powerful&nbsp;evolution is very important tool to research on a number explain the variety and&nbsp;origin&nbsp;oflife. But, as crucial evidences and theories such as&nbsp;biology field. Since Mendel&#39;s law of inheritance emerged, the time theory of Darwin&nbsp;evolution has been changed gradually, who suggest which makes the first model of evolutionobsolete. &nbsp;Through that way, there we are many controversies around evolution including conflict between religions and evolutionists, and different views &nbsp;ignorant about&nbsp;what Darwin&#39;s original theory tried to explain the way the evolution occurssay. In &nbsp;Now, in this short essay, &nbsp;we will &nbsp;want to focus more about &nbsp;Darwin&#39;s first model and criticize it on many biological terms.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong>Darwin&#39;sExplanation&nbsp;: Gemmule and&nbsp;Pangenesis</strong></p> <p>&nbsp;Observing taxidermied birds&#39; traits, Darwin found that there are correlation between their&nbsp;first model throughspecific traits and their habitats. He&nbsp;had inspiration from Hippocrates&#39;s view on the topic, which made&nbsp;Darwin establish and&nbsp;publish&nbsp;critical his view with &quot;pangenesis&quot;.&nbsp;Pangenesis was Darwin&#39;s model to explain the mechanism for heredity and evolution using imagined particles named as gemmule which&nbsp;appeared in his book&nbsp;&#39;The Variation of Animals and Plants under Domestication&#39;, pubilshed in 1868, nine years after pubilcation of his famous book &#39;On the Origin of Species&#39;.&nbsp;</p> <p>&nbsp;Gemmules were assumed to be spread within all parts of body and carried in the bloodstream to the reproductive organs where they accumulated in germ line cells. Gemmules were also able to be changed easily affected by surroundings or natural pressures. It seemed to explain well-known therories how acquired traits are inhereted, yet there were lots of problems preventing it accepted.</p> <p><strong>Defects on Pangenesis</strong></p> <p>1. Pangenesis can not explain Mendel&#39;s Cross expriments.</p> <p>&nbsp;Gregor&nbsp;Mendel&#39;s study totally defeated Darwin&#39;s mechanism. Mendel proved that heredity has at least one&nbsp;certain discrete unit to express one trait. Unfortunately gemmule couldn&#39;t be that unit as it was continuous concept anddid not have method to&nbsp;evidences explain law of dominance, segregation and briefly evaluateindependent assortment..</p> <p>2. Acquired traits are not inherited.</p> <p>&nbsp;Lamarckism was very similar to Darwinism in that both were trying to explain that&nbsp;evolution occured&nbsp;within relatively&nbsp;short time. Both are not true because acquired traits are not inherited (but epigenome), which cannot affect phynotypes.&nbsp;</p> <p>3. Pangenesis can not explain asexual propagation</p> <p>&nbsp;about his theory with basic biological lens including developmentAccording to the pangenesis, gemmule should be inhereted by sexual propagation. However, there are many asexual reproductions such as binary fission, growthbudding, reproduction and inheritance of lifevegetative propagation.</p>
<p>&nbsp;Since&nbsp;1832, when&nbsp;Charls Darwin&nbsp;arrived&nbsp;at Galapagos islands where various traits and species exists, the concept of evolution has been considered as one of the most powerful&nbsp;tool to explain the variety and&nbsp;origin&nbsp;of life<strong>Reference</strong></p> <p>https://en. But, as crucial evidences and theories such as&nbsp;Mendel&#39;s law of inheritance emerged, the theory of&nbsp;evolution has been changed gradually, which makes the first model obsoletewikipedia. &nbsp;Through that way, we ard ignorant about&nbsp;what Darwin&#39;s original theory tried to sayorg/wiki/Pangenesis</p> <p>https://en.&nbsp;Now, in this essay,&nbsp;we&nbsp;want to focus more about&nbsp;Darwin&#39;s first model and criticize it on many biological termswikipedia. There were many questions and discussions&nbsp;associated with evolution and cycle of lifeorg/wiki/Gemmule_(pangenesis)</p> <p>https://en. And let&nbsp;us talk about those exploring Darwin&#39;s</p>