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About Darwin's theory

About Darwin’s evolution theory


Darwin’s theory of evolution is the basis theory of biology. In this essay, I will briefly introduce about Darwin’s theory and think about its evidences.

Darwin first formulated his theory in his book, “On the Origin of Species” in 1859. Main idea of Darwin’s evolution theory is that all life is related and has descended from a common ancestor. And Darwin proposed natural selection as method of evolution. Natural selection is the random genetic mutations occur within an organism’s genetic code, the beneficial mutations are preserved because they aid survival.

There are three main evidences that support evolution theory. First, species share similarities that are signs of their common ancestry. Many organisms have similar body plan. The evolution theory claims that this is because organisms have same ancestor. Slight differences are due to the organism’s adaption to their environment. Second, there are progressions of species changing over time. This evidence is based on fossil. Fossil shows many species that are different with these days. As older the fossil is, we can see more different species in the fossil. Third, species have traits that are the remnants of past generation. For many species, there are some remnants of disappeared organization which indicates the change of species.

With these evidences, I support Darwin’s theory of evolution.

However, there are some people who are on the opposite position of evolution theory. Their main opinions are these. First, they claim that even if there are sufficient mutation on the gene, monkeys never can be human. But I think this opinion comes from the misunderstanding of evolution theory. Evolution theory never says that the monkey can be human. It says that monkey and human have same ancestor. Being another species and having same ancestor are very different ideas. Second, they suggest ‘Missing link’. They claim that there isn’t sufficient intermediate species’ fossil. With this opinion, I think it’s because the evolution doesn’t occur in the chain form. I think the evolution explore in some conditions, so that there can be not sufficient intermediate fossils.

I researched some opinions of people who are on the opposite position of evolution theory. But most of opinions pinch the limitation of evolution theory, but they didn’t show their own evidences that say the evolution theory is wrong. Darwin’s evolution theory is not perfect theory, it has some limitations that should be researched more. However, these limitations don’t prove that the theory is wrong. So, I don’t think Darwin’s evolution theory is the only truth, but as there is no other sufficient scientific evidences, I support Darwin’s evolution theory.



