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TALK : why does korea have no novel prize winner?

=> Passive attitude which comes from accent is the problem.

my opinion : However passive attitude is not only the problem of the Korea but also Asia like Japan.

But Japan has a lot of novel prize winners.

I think it is not individual but systematic problem.

It is largely because of system of investment to fundamental science.


- reversible
- genome & histone => expression, regulation
- next generation offspring
- why 4 histone => regulation

Q. In genomic imprinting, how they distinguish between the maternal and paternal genome?
- bisulfite sequencing (C only)
Q. is there any other nucleotide modification except C? how about acetylation?

Form now on, no protein to transfer methyl group to AGT.


- protein is switch which turn on and off by phosphorylated depend on energy(ATP) and electircity(pH).

(lt is much like semiconductor)


- a b c
1. coil  ==>  flexibility, bind ex) antibody, toxin
2. b sheet
3. a helix

domain : 스스로 접힘
motif : 세대를 통해 전해짐

- mass spectrometer

- sds phage

- protein microarray chip => interaction