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1. personal genomics

- attacking govenment

- 23andme / Neanderthalian gene - what is related to us?

- helix


2. Introduction to Genomics by Chung Yeon

- think about the problem

- make it interesting


3. Approaches to genome analysis tools by Soo Gyun

- GWAS : study about the whole genome - new unexpected gene which is related to disease

- candidate gene studies / many slides - each slide : certain sample for certain gene or disease

- Gene doesn't tell everything. 

- hypothesis - gene analysis : cannot interpret the unexpected gene

- whole genome - finding common point of many samples and interpreting

* Why is it important ?? Why are you giving this talk? What made you do that? 

- because of this limitation


* Approach to science

1. hypothesis-driven : specific way / prerequisite - target

2. data-driven : genomics

- normal vs. patient


* lecture

- diversity / variability

- genotype + environment = phenotype > uncertainty

- hypothesis driven (white lion) / data driven (white tiger)