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translation 3codon->1aa not reflect, change a property.

RNA and DNA difference -> they have different sugar, different sequence RNA=U DNA=T

chemically RNA and DNA have differnet oxygen number and position so RNA more unstable because the oxygen make dynamic change to RNA

DNA have about same half life because they are stable
However RNA have very various halflife because thier stability is different

find the alternative splice formin gene




there is several sequencing

1st sanger 

2nd shot gun

3rd not fragment

4th not light source

5th use modifeied helicase use electrical field

 and nano scale sensor then they distiguish the hydrogen bond number and size of nucleotide

I think its method have lots of limitation and defect also If they success the method of 5th sequencing I wonder it is effective and economicql method then last generation model of sequence.

한국인의 문제점에 대해 생각

interaction of genotype and enviroment complex make a lots  of phenotype
 phenotype :  feature or result of interaction
 Genenotype : information of gene
 Enviroment: habit, character, custom of person or society surround the person. 

complication -> limitation of analysis

solution Exact data( large amount of data)
need principle and law and algoritim 데이터 응용과 사용을 위해 필요한 것들
이것들을 받아낼 big computer 

exact date : 1 typing  : cheap and efficient but not accurate their is a lot of typing technology (PCR...)
             2 sequencing : ultimately highly accurate(but not 100% )
Sequencing is calling like give the information

de novo : really new, they don't hava a any reference

close sepecies provide exact varients for pin-pointing mutation sites