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The most important 20 words in my life

Revision as of 02:23, 10 June 2016 by imported>Baik BuKyung

1.Paris Commune

-There was the first Proletarian revolution named Paris Commune before the Russian Revolution (1917). There was no leading party, but the citizens in Paris made their own, innovative government which was never before. They argued about woman suffrage, taking the factories to cooperatives, free education and so on. It is somehow the old future of the Communism.



2.Discipline and Punishment (Michel Foucault)

-How the modern system control us with the name of humanity and rationality, the book doesn't tell us what is the power, but how it works and how should we deal with it.

The essence of the power never has been changed, it just changed its way as the ruler has changed. The power is very dense and everywhere. Everything I say and do in this system can be used for maintaining this system. I met this book when I was in 2nd year of middle school. It was quite shocking and changed the whole way of thinking. I had strongly believed government, the society, my parents, my teachers but I started to doubt all the things around me.




-Under masculinity and femine, all of us are victim of those stereotypes. In a narrow and old sense, Feminism is saving the half of the humanity. But in fact, the thoughts liberate, saves us all from the gender is the feminism.

After the WW2, in 1960s, post modernism philosophy has been raised. Then the central ideology has been deconstructed and small discourses like the feminism has been raised. I finally realized that the small ideology is fake.  I’ve been facing feminism seriously since last winter and I consider this problem the most these days.



4.Communist Manifesto

-It's a manual of the Communism, but at the same time, it is a vivid and live text.

Of course the <Das Kapital> is the bible of the Communism and contain well organized logic, but Communist Manifesto contains more inflammatory and powerful sentences. ‘Workers of the world, unite!’ is well known inflammatory sentences in the Communist Manifesto.



5.Hello, World

-It's the first programming assignments for most of the students who learn the computer language. This sentence is the first program that we write in specific language, so we say hello to the new world of the subject that we will learn with this sentence. At the same time, it’s like the computer and the new subject says hello to us(new world), ‘hello, are you ready to meet me?’



6.June Democratic Uprising

-It is the base of the Korean system since 1987.

How do we call our government system? It is called 1987 system. What happened in 1987? June Democratic Uprising was happened and the base of Korean system has changed. This system is also called the 6th republic and last until now. So we can say the June Democratic Uprising was the point of inflection in modern Korean history. It is the sum of all the other pro-democracy movements during the 3~5th republic and done by the citizens. I think citizens finally own this country through the June Democratic Uprising.



7.May 68

-The biggest event that induce the post-modernism that deconstruct the central.

At May 68, the equality and liberation of human has been raised as a main ideology. Before that, the labor was the central and most significant ideology but after May 68, people say about feminism, ecologism, minority movements and it lasts until today.



8.Park MinGyu

-He has unique sentences and the sentences walk through the story with the step like staccato but each step is very heavy touching the deepest problems in our society. He’s a present for the Korean literature and also for my life.



-It's among the statistics, computer science and biology. Assigning the huge amount of experimental data biological meaning and let others utilize this data with the meaning.

I loved the computer science and considered how I can be a biologist at the same time. Then, I found this subject, the Bioinformatics, which can fulfill both of my desire. Also the bioinformatics itself was very attractive to me that gives meaning to the lots of data which could be meaningless seems like a literature which gives a sequence of letters meaning.


10.Evolution(On the origin of species)

-It's one beautiful and powerful way to explain biological phenomena.

I really love this book and concept. This concept extended the horizen of human thoughts very widely. The biological phenomena mentioned in the last sentence means the phenomena including organisms. As time goes by, there appeared evolutionary psychology. We got one more powerful way named the evolution to understand how the organism behave.


11.Gravity(directed by Alfonso Cuaron)

This movie shows how the SF movie can embrace humanism. It was the best SF movie and also the best humanism movie in my life. The direction is a little bit different, but I started to think how the science can embrace the humanism.

























