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Genomics News and Ads Archive

Revision as of 17:53, 10 October 2010 by imported>J

Paris japonica logo openfree.gif The largest genome size known today: Paris japonica: 20101009 ⇒ Genome size
Turkey logo 2.gif Turkey genome sequenced 20100907Bird genome
Scripps, Sanofi Personalized Medicine Pact to Focus Initial PGx Research on Diabetes, Aging 20100818
Accumulation of mutations over the entire mitochondrial genome of breast cancer cells obtained by tissue microdissection: 20100810
►Theragen Totalomics Solutions Launched 20100711 ⇒Genome sequencing product
Personal Genomics Institute established 20100419 ⇒Genome Institutes
The first fully public female human genome: Rosalynn Gill: PGP9. 20100330.
The dynamic genome of Hydra Nature. 2010 Mar 25 ⇒ Animal Genome
The Human Genome Rights Declaration. 20100315 ⇒GenomeEthics
GET conference Boston by PGP Boston, 27th April.
IonTorrent ion-sequencing machine announced publically
►20100310 Whole-Genome Sequencing in a Patient with Charcot–Marie–Tooth Neuropathy
► GATC Biotech Purchases HiSeq 2000 Instrument. 20100126. ⇒GenomeSequencer

Theragen Inc. launched a personal genome typing service similar to 23andme's. However, the product was withheld due to legal issues.
20091230: Theragen Inc. in Korea launches commercial full genome and SNP chip personal genome service. The first in Asia
20090928: Potato genome draft announced
A Caucasian human genome was sequenced by Helicos single molecule sequencer.
20090805: Recurring Mutations Found by Full length Sequencing of an Acute Myeloid Leukemia Genome (AML). N Engl J Med
20090802: The complete genome sequence of Triticum mosaic virus is published in Arch Vriol.
20090730: Crocodile genome map published in BMC Genomics.
20090727: A new multiplex sequencing method published by MPI group for highly degraded DNA fragments. Cave bear mitochondria
20090724: DNA Sequencing and Array Drive 8% Growth for Roche in First Half of 2009. 454 GS FLX and Nimblegen. [1]
20090724: BGI (Beijing Genomics Institute) in China participates in orchid genome (Phalaenopsis equestris) sequencing. [2]
20090716: Navigenics Lowers Health Compass Price to $999 USD. [3]
20090716: Celera Uses Automated Workflows for Genomics [4]
20090716: A draft genomic sequence for a worm, Schistosoma japonicum, was published.
20090716: Genomes Of Parasitic Flatworms Decoded: Schistosoma mansoni and Schistosoma japonicum [5]
Exxon join with DNA pioneer to develop algae biofuels 
20090715: Pathway Genomics starts the Direct-to-Consumer Genomics service as 23andme and Decodeme [6]
20090714: OryzaSNP Consortium IDs Thousands of Variants in Rice Genome: [7] 
20090709: The second Korean pesonal genome was sequenced by a Korean team and analyzed by US researchers (Macrogen and Seoul University Medical School)
20090630: Genomic linkage map of the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoniGenome Biology 2009, 10:R71doi:10.1186/gb-2009-10-6-r71 
20090629: Melon Genome Map was publicized by US researchers
20090616: Illumina Launches Personal Genome-Sequencing Service Using Genome Analyzer II. [8]
20090604: An integrated genetic and cytogenetic map of the cucumber genome was announced in PLOS One
20090603: Neanderthal genome sequeced by MPI Germany and Roche
20090601: Microsoft buys Rosetta Biosoftware from Merck. Merck becomes the client of Microsoft.
20090529: A new malaria agent in African chimpanzees found.
20090526: The first Korean Genome Sequence analysis by two Korean teams published in Genome Research article
20081208: Soybean genome, G. max data publicized
20081204: Korean Genome Publicized. The sequencing and bioinformatic analyses were carried out by two Korean teams.

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