

Genomics News Archive

68 bytes added, 14:10, 19 July 2009
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20090716: Celera Uses&nbsp;Automated Workflows for Genomics []<br />
20090716: Genomes Of Parasitic Flatworms Decoded: <em>Schistosoma mansoni</em> and <em>Schistosoma japonicum</em> []<br />
20090716: <!-- a href=;z=950242273 target=_parent><b>Exxon join with DNA pioneer to develop algae biofuels</b></a --></font><a target="_parent" click="""" click="" href=";ID=3022030&amp;HITNO=2&amp;MSIZE=634&amp;LANGUAGE=en&amp;FILE=doc.NEWSFEED&amp;SAVEQUERY00=Genomics&amp;SAVEPROP00=L%3den&amp;SAVEDB=news&amp;SAVEORGANISE_CODED=R:date&amp;R=3022030&amp;THISHREF=;THEHOST=site"><strong><font color="#0066cc" size="3">Exxon join with DNA pioneer to develop algae biofuels</font></strong></a><font size="3">&nbsp;<br />
20090715: [[Pathway Genomics]] starts the Direct-to-Consumer Genomics service as 23andme and Decodeme []<br />
20090714: OryzaSNP Consortium IDs Thousands of Variants in Rice Genome: [] &nbsp;<br />20090709: The second Korean pesonal genome was published<br />
20090630: [[Genomic linkage map of the human blood fluke Schistosoma mansoni]]:&nbsp; <em>Genome Biology</em> 2009, <strong>10</strong><strong>:</strong>R71<span class="pseudotab">doi:10.1186/gb-2009-10-6-r71</span>&nbsp;<br />
20090616: Illumina Launches Personal Genome-Sequencing Service Using Genome Analyzer II. []<br />

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