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<p><span style="font-size:24px">What is SELF?&nbsp; </span></p>
<p>SELF is: Self Evaluating Learning Farmework</p>
<p>SELF is a concept formalized by Jong Bhak. It is not a novel concept.&nbsp;</p>
<p>The main idea is that students take full responsibility of learning any subject. Teachers provide principles and insights (hence motivation) to students.</p>
<p>The core of SELF is students evaluate themselves with scientific and logical justifications. It is <strong>evidence</strong> based self evaluation.&nbsp;</p>
<p>Students are supposed to find knowledge using all kinds of media (on- and off-line materials)</p>
<p>It is up to students whatever strategies they take to justify their learning and achievement in the class/lecture/program.</p>
<p>1. Homework: Teachers provide homework (in various degrees of details, but clear goals). Students do not have to do homework or do not need to provide any results. The essence of SELF homework is that students develop self-interest in the subject topics given by the teachers.</p>
<p>2. Questions: Students are asked to question (critical thinking). Students are challenged in the class by teachers constantly. They need to respond actively to teachers.</p>
<p>3. Presenations: Students are asked to voluntarily present. However, they are not allowed to give lectures in the class. They should be succinct and powerful in giving presenations on important topics.</p>
<p>4. Quiz/Exams: Students do not have to take exams. Teachers can give exams, but it should not be to evaluate and rank students. The exams are just another ways of questioning students.</p>
<p>5. Evaluation: Students should learn how to evaluate themselves realistically, critically, and accurately. They evaluate themselves with sound and honest logics with evidence.</p>
<p>* Writing: Students should be able to write well with good writing skills.</p>

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