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<p><span style="font-size: small18px">Telomeres<strong>&nbsp;Abstract</strong></span></p> <p>Telomere = Telo&nbsp;[Greek nouns telos (<em>&tau;έ&lambda;&omicron;&sigmaf;</em>) &#39;end&#39; ] + Mere [Greek (<em>&mu;έ&rho;&omicron;&sigmaf;</em>, root: <em>&mu;&epsilon;&rho;-</em>) &#39;part.&#39;], meaning ending part.</p> <p>Telomere, meaning the protective elements ending part, is actually located at the ends end part of&nbsp;each chromosome.</p> <p>Telomere protects the end of the chromosome from degradation by being truncated itself instead ofchromosome.<br /p>chromosomes<p>It is known that telomere length is getting shortened during the chromosome replication in cell division, need </p> <p>as DNA polymerase cannot continue its duplicating work to be maintained for cells the end part of chromosome.</p> <p>So&nbsp;when&nbsp;duplication of chromosome is done,&nbsp;the end of the chromosome is shortened.</p> <p>Telomere consists of repetitive nucleotide sequences. For vertebrates, the sequence of telomere&nbsp;nucleotides is TTAGGG.</p> <p>This TTAGGG sequence is approximately repeated 2,500 times in human telomere.</p> <p>So&nbsp;the shortened part of chromosome means the&nbsp;repetitive part of telomere, by truncation occurred during cell division toprotect genes on chromosomes.<br /p>proliferate indefinitely<p>During the lifetime, as individual gets through cell division, the telomere ends become shorter and shorter. In many human cancers</p> <p>Then when all the telomeres are gone, cells stop thedivision,&nbsp;chromosomes remain only strands part, then die with aging.<br /p>telomeric DNA <p>Because of this, telomere is pointed as a determining individual&#39;s&nbsp;aging and lifespan.</p> <p>However, telomeres can be also replenished by an enzyme called telomerasereverse transcriptase.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="font-size:18px"><strong>Discovery History</strong></span></p> <p>In the early 1970s : First recognization of telomere existence by notifying the shorter ends of chromosomes during replication. However(Alexei Olovnikov)</p> <p>In 1975&ndash;1977 : Discovering simple repeated DNA sequences&nbsp;located at end part of chromosomes.&nbsp;(Elizabeth Blackburn, aJoseph Gall)<br /p>second pathway <p>In 2009 : Discovering mechanism&nbsp;for protecting&nbsp;chromosomes&nbsp;by&nbsp;telomere maintenanceand telomerase.&nbsp;(Blackburn, Carol Greider, referred to asand Jack Szostak)</p> <p>&nbsp;This discovery was awarded the 2009 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><strong><span style="font-size:18px">Raised Questions about Telomere and Aging</span></strong><br /p<p>During the ALT pathwayclass, has increasingly been recognized some questions involved intelomere and aging&nbsp;were suggested by classmates.<br /p>human cancers<p>1. The genetic basis for activation What is the&nbsp;exact&nbsp;definition of ALT isaging?<br /p>not known<p>2. Between biological age and real-time age, but recent data have implicated a chromatinwhich one&nbsp;can be said&nbsp;real age?<br /p>remodeling complex (ATRX/DAXX) and <p>3.&nbsp;Can the truncation of telomere explain all the histone variantaging reason?<br /p>H3<p>4.3 as players Is the telomere sequence same in the repression chromosomes of different kind of ALTcells?</p> <p>And so on, so from now on, conclusions from my&nbsp;investigation and analysis&nbsp;would be covered in this page. We have<br /p> <p>&nbsp;</p>examined a large panel <p><span style="font-size:14px"><strong>1. What is the exact definition of ALT cell lines for their geneticaging?</strong></span><br /p<p>Aging means the process of becoming older. Usually age of&nbsp;individual&nbsp;can be counted from the time when it was born, and it is called&nbsp;chronological aging. Meanwhile, biological aging, as known as senescence, means the steady&nbsp;deterioration&nbsp;of&nbsp;cell characteristics&nbsp;that could function&nbsp;for continuing&nbsp;life activity.&nbsp;During the biological features aging,&nbsp;cells&#39; ability to maintain viability&nbsp;declines while tendency to be vulnerable to mortality&nbsp;grows after maturation.&nbsp;In sum, there are two kinds of definitions for aging - Real-time aging counted from time processing, and found that loss Biological aging counted by accumulation of ATRX is acell malfunction.</p> <p>&nbsp;<br /p>common event in the genesis of ALT lines<p><span style="font-size:14px"><strong>2. In additionBetween biological age and&nbsp;chronological age, wewhich one&nbsp;can be said&nbsp;real age?</strong><br /span>document that ALT cell lines frequently undergo chromosomal<br /p>changes <p>Usually there is a proportional relationship between real-time age and are impaired in their ability biological age, since&nbsp;cells tend to be damaged&nbsp;to be vulnerable to detectmortality as the time goes on. The more time the individual goes on, its&nbsp;cells &nbsp;(Processing)</p> <p>&nbsp;<br /p>and repair damage in their DNA<p><span style="font-size:14px"><strong>3. These hallmarks &nbsp;Can the truncation of ALTtelomere explain all the aging reason?</strong></span><br /p>are expected to facilitate <p>(Processing)</p> <p>&nbsp;</p> <p><span style="font-size:14px"><strong>4.</strong></span><span style="font-size:14px"><strong> Is the detection telomere sequence same in chromosomes of different kind of ALTcells?</strong></span></p> <p>(Processing)</p> <p>&ndashnbsp;type tumors<br /p>in the clinic and may lead to ALT<p>&ndashnbsp;specific treatments.</spanp> <p>[The (Processing) phrase would remain until I complete my opinions after the question.]</p>
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