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Ji-Hoon Kim

360 bytes removed, 20:29, 7 December 2023
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This week's topic is on&nbsp; = Introduction = Name&nbsp;: Ji-Hoon Kim<br/> Email&nbsp;&nbsp; ----
== <br/> My Research Project:&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;life, information, and the universe?&nbsp; (as information processing objects)==
&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp; Fractality of evolution, encapsulation, and information propagation<br/> <br/> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;*Epi-> Life is staring point of death.<br/> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;-> Information is made output Cancer (Finding epigenetic marker to esacpe of death in life.distinguish&nbsp;<br/> &nbsp;&nbsp; &nbsp; &nbsp;-> Evolution is escaping of death.<br/> healthy from cancer)&nbsp;
Tasks:<br/> &nbsp;
1. Look up the meaning keywords in Google/Wikipedia/GPT/Youtube and research papers.----
2. My&nbsp;research interests/issues<br/> &nbsp; &nbsp; * To find cancer markers for using&nbsp;early cancer diagnosis.
== <br/> Workspace:&nbsp;== *[[231201_SELF_JiHoonKim|231208_SELF_JiHoonKim]]