

Self evaluation paper

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<p style="margin-left: 38pt">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; Correspondence: <a href=""></a></p>
<p style="margin-left: 38pt">&nbsp;</p>
<p><strong>1. Abstract</strong></p>
<p>UNIST Genomics course applied SELF (Self Evaluating Learning Framework) to evaluate student. In the system of SELF, Students have to evaluate themselves students take full responsibility of learning any subject in Genomics class. Many students feel awkward when evaluating themselves. Because they don&rsquo;t know how to evaluate themselves. They have been evaluated by other professors. That&rsquo;s why Self-evaluation is good opportunity for developing individual or problem-solving through self-knowledge</p>
<p>&nbsp;This paper introduces woobeen Woobeen Jo&rsquo;s independent experiment design using SELF, performing and conclusion based on the experimental results. Because of importance of how to think critically and independently when performing science research, set up of experimental design and evaluation were categorized into 5 parts.</p>
<p><strong>2. Introduction</strong></p>
<p>Genomics is the study of the genome. It applies recombinant DNA, DNA sequencing methods, and bioinformatics to sequence, assemble, and analyze the function of genomes.</p> <p>Unlike any other Genomics course, UNIST Genomics course is different. In this course we need to study ourselves, design own idea by scientific thinking. Therefore, woobeen Jo did scientific experiment using different topic: Obesity.</p> <p>Obesity is a metabolic disease, which massiveness makes it a burning issue nowadays. At the end of the 20<sup>th</sup> century, the World Health Organization (WHO) declared even officially an obesity epidemic. It is estimated that there are currently more than one billion persons in the world having excess body weight, of which about 300 million persons are obese. <strong>(</strong><strong> Dr Ranđelovi</strong><strong>ć</strong><strong> 2015)</strong> According to Wikipedia, definition of obesity is medical condition in which excess body fat has accumulated to the extent that it may have a negative effect on health<strong>.</strong><strong>(Wikipedia_obesity)</strong> One of the problem is that obesity increases the likelihood of various diseases, particularly heart disease, type 2 diabetes, certain types of cancer, and inflammation. That&rsquo;s why starting from leptin, many drugs were developed. However, because of certain side effects, new novel drug is needed. One of the novel protein that is discovered is Endotrophin. <strong>(Park, 2014) </strong>Endotrophin acts as pivotal role in shaping a metabolically unfavorable microenvironment in adipose tissue during consumption of a high fat diet. It causes fibrosis and inflammation and finally leading to insulin resistance and metabolic dysfunction.<strong> (Park, 2014) </strong>However, <strong>we don&rsquo;t know how ETP works. Because of lack of information, woobeen Jo planned experimental design to find the interactors using Mass-Spectroscopy Technique. </strong></p>
<p><strong>Figure 4. Active users list in bio-wiki</strong></p>
<p>In figure 3, woobeen, Jo&rsquo;s edit number is higher than average people&rsquo;s edits58 out of 91days. This can be one of evidence that I consistently manage and update my pageat least 2 edits per day.</p>
<p><strong>5.3.b Process of acquiring scientific data (20%)</strong></p>
<p>Every student in Genomics should be able to organize and summarize their opinion logically and scientifically by asking and thinking questions and acquired scientific data. Those series of procedure are one of the easiest and best way to show one&rsquo;s opinion scientifically. I wrote an experimental paper per every week. Before doing experiment, I asked to myself about my plan of experiment scheme and way of doing and why I need this experiment according to scientific essay structure. During every experiment I discuss about the progress of projects with graduate student and professor. For every unexpected data, I always independently think the reason and search many website to support my logic. Then I raised many scientific questions and got feedback from other scientists. By having chance to learn from professor Lee&rsquo;s lab for a while, I was directly and actively able to learn process of acquiring scientific data especially in biotinalizing process. Through this process, I can actively ask the science field and what scientific and creative question is. That is critical and independent thinking when performing science research.</p>
<p><strong>5.4. Evaluation (15%)</strong></p>
<p>Creative and scientifically independent way of thinking in Genomics is one of the most crucial learning objectives. During this process, students have to constantly interested in their topic and read topic related paper critically and independently.</p> <p>Before starting my own experiment, I had question. what can I learn from genomics course.</p> <p>In this question, my answer is Independent and critical thinking in science research. Through learning critical and independent thinking during experimental design of my experiment, I developed my own ideas study and think more about topic logically. Also, by getting more information especially in science from facebook, bric, it improved me way of critical thinking. Unlike previous, I become active on searching Bio-start up and actively questioned why they start Bio startup, what is their main target, and so on. Through consistent questioning to other scientific paper and science field, I can think of questions out of my own logical ramification and way of thinking and its process become independent and more importantly critical. Also, I was able to learn writing science paper. On my first meeting with professor Bhak, he pointed out the wrong way of writing scientific paper. After that, I once again search <a href=""></a> to find how to write scientific report. Finally, I was able to write this report using scientific report format and self-evaluation format. Followings are what I found articles and my scientific critical and independent thinking and questions.</p> <ol> <li>Why Darwin&rsquo;s evolution theory is scientifically wrong?</li></ol> <ul> <li>How can we prove that?</pli> <li>Is there any alternative to replace evolution theory?</li> <li>&nbsp;</li> <li>2. Obesity population is different from temperature.</li> <li>Why does this happen?</li> <li>Is there any difference metabolic condition from temperature?</li></ul> <ol> <li>What cause wild dog and cat become domestic?</li></ol> <ul> <li>Is it also can be proved using evolution theory?</li> <li>Then why wolf and fox can&rsquo;t be domesticated?</li></ul> <ol> <li>What makes people obese?</li></ol> <ul> <li>What is reason?</li> <li>How to balance our body?</li></ul>
<pol> <li>Why aged people easily get obese?</li></ol> <ul> <li>Is there any difference between young people?</li> <li>How do improve metabolic rate?</li></ul> <ol> <li>In this question, my answer What is Independent and critical thinking in science research. Through learning critical and independent thinking during experimental design of my experiment, I metabolically healthy obesity?</li></ol> <ul> <li>How can study and think more about topic logically. Also, by getting more information especially obese people in science from facebook, bric, it improved me way of critical thinking. Unlike previous, I become active on searching Bio-start up and actively questioned why they start Bio startup, what is their main target, and so on. Through consistent questioning to other scientific paper and science field, way of thinking and its process become independent and more importantly critical. Also, I was able to learn writing science paper. On my first meeting with professor Bhak, he pointed out the wrong way of writing scientific paper. After that, I once again search fact healthy?<a href="http:/li></biolecture.orgul> <ol> <li>Can gene promote obesity?</"li>http:</ol> <ul> <li>How does it can happen?</biolecture.orgli></ul> </ap> to find how to write scientific report. Finally, I was able to write this report using scientific report format and self-evaluation format.How can we cure it?</p>
<p><strong>Table 9. Final credit through SELF.</strong></p>
<p><strong>My final points of total credit based on SELF is 97.5% out of 100%. This belongs to the A+ standard in Table 12</strong></p>
<p style="margin-left: 36pt">Bhak, J. (2016, 9 4). <em>Openfree biolecture</em>:</p>
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