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How to install Perl and BioPerl

You can download perl program according to your OS from this website:

For Windows user,

there are 2 kinds of perl program

1. Active perl

2. Strawberry perl

If you're more Linux/Unix oriented and want something that feels very similar on Windows, go with Strawberry Perl. If you are using Perl as a Win32 solution, go with ActiveState1)


In case of Active perl, to install bioperl2)

1. Go to the Github ( and press the Download ZIP button.



2) Extract the archive in the normal way.

3) In a cmd window cd to the directory you extracted to. Eg. if you extracted to directory ‘bioperl-live’, cd bioperl-live




4) Type perl Build.PL and answer the questions appropriately.


5) Type perl Build test. All the tests should pass. Your usage of Bioperl may not be affected by the failure, so you can choose to continue anyway.

6) Type perl Build install to install Bioperl.

